Thanks to all those who joined us today at the National Gallery. You were fantastic hunters and I hope to see you all again on another Hidden Wonders scavenger hunt soon.
Bonnington Square is my favourite of London's many hidden gems. At the Square's heart is a Pleasure Garden that has been beautifully landscaped by the local community. Hidden among the palms at one end is a giant guardian in the form of an 1860s industrial waterwheel that watches over the trees, flowers and visitors. The garden alone would be enough to justify a trip across London, but Bonnington Square has much more to offer. The huge community spirit that went into the garden has overflowed into the surrounding streets, taking the gardens with it. Every available inch has been used to plant yet more trees, shrubs and flowers. The pavements feel as if they are bursting into life. Look a little closer and you'll find that there are open passages winding through houses to yet more community gardens. Having explored the gardens I recommend visiting the small resident-run cafe opposite the garden gates. Come on the right night and you'll be treated to local musicians and singing staff. London life and community spirit really doesn't get much better than this. Robert Today Hidden Wonders is joining the world wide web and giving an open invitation to join us as we explore London. We'll be using this site to announce upcoming events, uncover unique things to do in London and promote the hidden side of this wonderful city.
The first Hidden Wonders mystery hunt will be the National Gallery Heist. It is perhaps fitting, then, that our site goes live fifteen years after the theft of five Monet paintings from the Musée Marmottan in Paris. We hope you'll enjoy what's to come and will join us at one of our events. |
HiddenWondersHiddenWonders is a group of Londoners, united by a passion for exploring their city and sharing the treasures they find with others. Archives
January 2011